
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Chinese Idiom of the Day - 今天的成语

座无虚席 zuòwúxūxí

Literal Meaning: To not have an empty seat。A full house. Jam packed. Standing room only

Also Known As: 座无空席 zuòwúkòngxí

This idiom describes cinemas, stadiums, auditoriums and other large scale rooms.

Often preceded by 场场(chang3chang3),早已(zao3yi3) and 几乎(jīhū)。

Example Sentences:

zhècì zúqiúsài guānzhòng fēicháng yong3yuè, néng róngnà liùwànmíng guānzhòng de qiúchǎng jīhū chang3chang3 zuòwúxūxí。

这时, 座无虚席的大厅里传出了热烈的鼓掌声。

zhèshí, zuòwúxūxí 的dātīngli3 chuánchūle rèliè de gu3zhang3shēng。


The Biggest Dam Problem in China

E Jingping, Director of the Office of State Flood Control and Drought Releif Headquarters (The best Dam job in China) has announced that one third of China's dams are defective and at risk of collapsing. (The biggest dam problem in China) China has more than 85,000 dams and if confronted with torrential rain, they pose a very real and serious risk in the dam surrounding areas. In other words, the Chinese are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.In August of 1975 two large dams collapsed in Henan province, killing 26,000 people in the Zhumadian. The cause of the collapse— those dam heavy rains that China always gets. Most of China’s dams were built in the dam 50’s and 60’s. Since the beginning of the dam 2006 rainy season, floods have killed 1,231 Chinese, demolished 650,000 dam houses and have cost an estimated 91.9 billion dam yuan (11,528,570,393.91 USD) in dam losses. But E Jingping pointed out that China’s improved preparedness has kept the dam death toll below the dam national average of 1800.


MP3 Player on the way!

So I needed a new MP3 player, hopefully one with more than the 512 megs on my old one. After some exhaustive research I have narrowed it down to (and already ordered) the Creative Labs Zen Microtouch 8 gig.

So why go with last years CNET MP3 Player of the year you ask? Why not spend a little more to get this years CNET player of the year? Good questions, lets get to it.

1. No video player. Honestly, unless you are commuting by yourself for more than 25 minutes to school or work, when would you use this? Or I suppose you can take it on long plane trips in order to strain your eyesight even more. I have no use for a video player. I can watch enough video on my computer or T.V., thank you.

2. Only 8 gigs? Its more than enough. As Creative advertises on their website, the player can hold around 4000 songs. If I am not putting video on the player (see reason 1 above) I don't need more space. If I get tired of the 4000 songs I have on the player, it probably isn't difficult to plug my player into the computer and swap a few albums. But maybe if you are going to live with pygmies deep in the Congo for a couple years it would be nice to have a little more space.

3. Removable battery. I'll let you all in on a little secret. Batteries don't last forever! Shocking, I know. I'd rather pay 10 bucks for a replacement than 50+ for Apple to do it for me.

4. It's lime green. Ok, that isn't really a benefit other than I got it for twenty less on Amazon by getting a color that obviously doesn't sell as well. I'm secure in my manhood. (I think)

So I saved a hundred bucks or so over getting a new model. Basically I figured I wanted to listen to MP3's, that's all.

But I did realize something that the Microtouch is missing: a line-in recorder!! That would be handy for recording Hitoradio (straight out of Taibei, baby!). So afer I receive the player I'll give it a spin, maybe I'll be sending it back for something with line-in.


China Executes Spy

Tong Daning, who helped manage China's $26 billion pension fund, was executed on April 21 on a charges of spying for Taiwan. Daning was the highest-ranking official to be executed for espionage since 1999. The case in 1999, was of an army general and colonel who were caught selling the locations of China's missiles to Taiwan for somewhere around $1.6 million.

Tong was a former Director of China’s National Council for Social Security, before that, Tong worked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 15 years. At that time, Tong was responsible for the qualified domestic institutional investors plan (QDII), which allowed Chinese investors to convert deposits into other currencies.

Since the execution China has publicly shown video of the execution to discourage the Chinese from becoming spys for Taiwan, and touts that Tongs death cripples Taiwan’s spying activity in China. But we all know that Taiwan will still spy on China and China will still spy on Taiwan otherwise the unemployment rates in both countries would rise drastically! The governments are only trying to create jobs! Geez!


Renaun的Adobe Flex Ad Idea

这个blog原来是在英文写的,但是最近Renaun的blog开始有中文版。我自己觉得翻译电脑方面很难。真了不起!说实话, 我是跟他的blog连接起来就是为了帮他做广告。原文(英文和中文)就在这儿


Adobe最近做一些Federated Media网站的广告, 但Flex的爱好者受不了这些广告。原文在这儿
最棒的就是Adobe的Jeff Whatcott看到这个blog之后决定问整个Flex社会的意见。Adobe问意见是非常好。

我决定试一试, 我很会写Flex的代码, 但我不是一个市场专家–别笑我 (哈哈)

原来我是想做一些很有”不可思议”影响的小代码例子。所以试了以后发现代码不是那么小, 但对于Web 2.0的banner space是还可以的。


Adobe Flickr广告意见
Adobe Flickr广告意见代码程序

反正,这就是一个”终于试试Flickr AS3 Library”的借口。为了看到Adobe Flickr广告的例子Flickr和Corelib Adobe AS3 libraries是必要的,也可以在labs.adobe.com的网站找到。
注册Flickr的用户和API钥匙是必要的。然后在下面的代码程序(AdobeFlickrAd.mxml)把” “改成你的API钥匙。

[code lang=”javascript”]private var API_KEY:String = ““;[/code]

我还有意见但时间不够, 那就是在Flickr的图片下把”View Source”,来源和Flex2的信息等等连接起来。你也可以把RIA这个缩略词,做出更多有意思的事像”Real Important Advice” (实在重要的劝告), “Rapid Integration Applicator” (迅速共同体应用), “Rebel Innovation Artist” (寇贼革新艺术家) 等等, 都可以。



Napoleon Hill: The Law of Success (拿破仑希尔:成功法则)

I recently portions of the translated text of Napoleon Hill's "The Law of Success." I thought it was interesting at parts, but sometimes the book was more than I could bite. He had an interesting tangent of creativity, which lead me to write the following little blurp:

你们有没有想到所有的音乐,电影,卡通风格都已经用尽了?像迪斯尼的卡通全部都是关于一个人在他们自己的单调生活中隔离。他们希望自己能够闯入世界,看到各种各样的人,文化和生活中的每一个有趣的地方。虽然他们的故事都是一样,但我们还是付钱的。你上次看到的完全有创新的电影是什么时候?加勒比海盗是有创新的吗?世界从来没有海盗故事的电影吗?肯定有。我觉得我们去看这些电影就是因为角色不一样。想一想,美国的每一个运动电影都有一样的"吃苦在先"成功在后。所以我想虽然美国的创造性程度很高还也有不足之处。关键在于表现一样的故事但是用另外的方法来做。举个例子好了我们都害怕恐怖电影,但是为什么M.奈特夏马南的第六感那么流行?因为创造性。他把这个故事弄的不一样,不是普通的清节电影有死者出现就把电影的奥妙隐藏在我们的面前。但是我想因为大家都没发现电影里的奥秘是什么。目的一样,方式不同。这也是为什么那个穷人能够有汤吃。他的目的是明确,但是因为他用的方法富人从来没有看过而且还让他进去。他进去厨房之后很容易引起厨娘对这为穷人的好奇。我想,好奇就是穷人的关键工具。这不仅是创造性也是匠心。我们好奇的时候我们不是很乐意去奉献我们的时间和才能。厨娘就是这样,她付出时间, 才能连碎肉都给穷人而且她是很乐意做的。
