
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Internet use in China

China's CCNIC has reported that Internet users there are now 123 million people, of which 77 million are broadband access.Some may say that the Chinese are already socially backwards by western standards. So what does this mean for the socially backwards Chinese who will now spend all day every day on the internet and get even more socially backwards? The video explains it all!


Most Popular Chinese Names for Boys (中国最流行的男性名字)

Have you ever wondered what your Chinese name would be? If you are thinking of giving yourself a Chinese name and have tried the online tranliterations here is a list of the Most Popular Chinese Names for Boys, and their meanings. For the characters that are 3rd tone I put the number 3 after the pinyin. For some unknown reason blogspot doesn't recognize the 3rd tone marker.

安 Ān Peace; in good health

豹 bào Leopard

波 bō Waves

财 cái Fortune

成 Chéng Accomplish; succeed

德 Dé Virtue

东 Dōng East; orient

峰 Fēng Peak

刚 Gāng Hard; solid; unyielding

国 Guó Country; nation

虎 Hu3 Tiger

辉 Huī Splendor; brightness

健 Jiàn Health

杰 Jié Outstanding; a hero; an elite

康 Kāng Health

力 Lì Power; strength

亮 Liàng Bright; shining

龙 Lóng Dragon

猛 Měng Fierce; vigorous

宁 Níng Tranquil; peaceful

鹏 Péng Big bird; A roc

强 Qiáng Strong

世 Shì Generation

松 Sōng Pine

涛 Tāo Big waves

天 Tiān Heaven

伟 Wěi Great; big

文 Wén elegant; gentle; refined; literature

武 Wu3 Martial; brave and daring

雄 Xióng male; grand; powerful

毅 Yì Firm; resolute

勇 Yong3 Brave

友 You Friendly; friend

震 Zhèn Shake; shock; quake



I have a good friend of mine who loves sloths. How do you say "Sloth" in Chinese? The answer is simple, but lets see if you can guess. The literal translation is "tree lazy" Yep, you guessed it, its 树懒 (shùlan3). Does anyone know where I can buy a 树懒 ?


Most Popular Chinese Names for Girls (中国最流行的女性名字)

If you are thinking of giving yourself a Chinese name and have tried the online tranliterations here is a list of the Most Popular Chinese Names for Girls, and their meanings. For the characters that are 3rd tone I put the number 3 after the pinyin. For some unknown reason blogspot doesn't recognize the 3rd tone marker. The Most Popular Chinese Names for Girls are in no particular order.

爱 Ài Love

宝 Bao3 Treasure

碧 Bì Green jade

彩 Cai3 Colorful

婵 Chán Beautiful and graceful girl

翠 Cuì Emerald green; Jade greeen

黛 Dài Black, eyebrow beautifier

丹 Dān Red

娥 É Beautiful girl

芳 Fāng Fragrant

凤 Fēng Phoenix

红 Hóng Red

花 Huā Flower

环 Huán Jade ring

惠 huì Benevolence; kindness

娇 Jiāo Charming, lovely, beautiful girl

菊 Jú Chrysanthemum flower

娟 Juān Graceful

兰 Lán Orchid flower

莉 Lì Jasmine

丽 Lì Beautiful

莲 Lián Lotus

琳 Lín Beautiful jade

梅 méi Plum blossom

美 měi Beauty

娜 na/nuó Graceful girl

妮 nī Little girl

倩 Qiàn Pretty

巧 Qiao3 artful, clever

青 Qīng Blue, green

琼 Qióng Red Jade

珊 Shān Coral; Precious

淑 Shū Kind and gentle

婷 Tíng Graceful

雯 Wén Beautiful clouds

霞 Xiá Colorful clouds; morning or evening glow

娴 Xián Refined and skilled

香 Xiāng Fragrant; Aromatic

秀 Xiù Elegant; Excellent

雪 Xuě Snow

艳 Yàn Colorful; Gorgeous

燕 Yàn Swallow

莺 Yīng Golden oriole

玉 Yù Jade

媛 Yuàn Graceful young lady

云 Yún Cloud

贞 Zhēn Faithful; Chastity or being chaste

珍 Zhēn Precious; treasure

芝 Zhī Fragrant; noble

珠 Zhū Pearl

姿 Zī Appearance

紫 Zi3 Purple; violet


Flex 2 RollOverButton Examples

这个blog原来是在英文写的,但是最近Renaun的blog开始有中文版。我自己觉得翻译电脑方面很难。真了不起!说实话, 我是跟他的blog连接起来就是为了帮他做广告。原文(英文和中文)就在这儿


在Flash你可以制造简单图片/按纽滑动。但是在Flex, 超过缺省按纽滑动skin贯彻, 你有很多的选择。我有编辑一些用动作脚本语言(Action Script)和Custom Class。制造图片滑动使用的方法很多。连CSS也可以用, 但是都需要自己安排鼠标在按钮上滑动(rollOver),鼠标滑出按钮(rollOut)和鼠标按下时触发事件(MouseDown)。


To see the application run go to


To see the application’s source code go to


Chinese Computer Terms (电脑生词)


Here are some Links that I have found helpful when trying to read something computer related. Let me know if you have any more that I should add.

Computer terms Link 1
Computer terms Link 2
Computer terms Link 3

Computer terms Link 4

Computer terms Link 5
