
Friday, August 11, 2006

RemoteObjectAMFO update to latest Cairngorm

这个blog原来是在英文写的,但是最近Renaun的blog开始有中文版。我自己觉得翻译电脑方面很难。真了不起!说实话, 我是跟他的blog连接起来就是为了帮他做广告。原文(英文和中文)就在这儿



现在的RemoteObjectAMF0包,包括两个例子。第一就是更新的Cairngorm注册例子 (例子/代码程序)。

我所创造的新例子是一个non-Cairngorm AMFPHP的例子。(例子/代码程序)。


Todays Chinese Idiom (今天的成语)

飞黄腾达 - fēihuángténgdá

飞黄 - fēihuáng - a legendary horse which runs very fast。
腾达 - téngdá - to jump high, to rise。

Literal Meaning - To fly rapidly in the sky like a magic horse。
Metaphorical Meaning - To rise metaphorically, to attain sudden success and honour。
Idiom Use: usually derogatory and satirical。

Example Sentences:

先前, 还可以希望招驸马, 一下子就飞黄腾达起来, 现在皇帝没有了, 即使满脸涂着雪花膏, 也永远遇不到公主的青睐;至多,只可希图做一个富家的姑爷而已。

Xiānqián, hái kěyi3 xīwàng zhāo fùma3, yīxiàzi jiù fēihuángténgdá qi3lai, xiànzài huángdì méiyou3le, jíshi3, man3lian3 túzhexuěhuāgāo, yě yong3yuan3 yùbùdào gōngzhu3 de qīnglài; zhìduō, zhi3kě xītú zuò yīgè fùjiā de gūye éryi3。

杜月笙投到黄金荣门下后,才逐渐有了飞黄腾达 的机会。
Dù Yuèshēng tóudào huángjīn róng ménxià hòu, cái zhújiàn you3le fēihuángténgdá de jīhuì。

1935年, 他已是在中外享有盛名的画家,但他不想飞黄腾达 。
1935 nián, tā yi3 shì zài zhōngwài xiang3you3 shèngmíng de huàjiā, dàn tā bùxiang3 fēihuángténgdá。


Human Trafficking

I recently read an article about Human Trafficking in Yunnan Province. This is an absolutely disgusting practice. Below is my summary of BBC's 8/9/06 article.

In Yunnan province, young women are allegedly being sold as wives or to brothels and sweat shops in Thailand. Yunnan villages, which lie close to the border with Burma, are very different from other parts of the economically booming China. The villages are homes to ethnic minorities, whose language and culture has more in common with northern Thailand than with the Han Chinese. Trade and tourism across the border with Burma has fallen, which translates to little opportunity for young people in these small villages. Every year, thousands pack up and leave, heading for the cities or crossing through Burma to Thailand in hopes of getting a well-paid job. Very few do make money and come back to the villages to show off their success which in turn only encourages more young people to follow suit. This only feeds the vicious cycle.

Qing-qing is 19 now but when she was just seven-years-old, she and her mother were sold. "A woman my mother knows came to our house with some men we hadn't seen before," she told me. "My mother was tricked. They sold her as a bride to a man in eastern China."

It is difficult to find officials who give a clear and honest picture of this human trafficking. Not very much is known about who exactly the traffickers are. It is suspected that they are Chinese people from Sichuan province. Because it would be too hard for Thai people to come to the villages to recruit girls, they are not suspected in the recruitment process. This practice has been going on for who knows how long yet Yunnan just barely setup the country's first anti-trafficking program. I would have to say that there is nothing but ignorance coming from these state officials, the only thing they govern is their state of denial. No matter what laws or programs are put in place it seems like the traffickers are targeting younger and younger girls. New dangers and freedoms await China as they become an economic power house, but in order to loose the chains of its past, China will have to change their culture of secrecy and cover-ups.
