
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

今天的中文量词 - "把"

今天的中文量词 - "把"

There are 6 uses of the measure word "把" . The uses are listed below followed by examples corresponding to each usage.

1. For article of everyday use or instruments with a handle.
2. For a quantity of thins that can be held in one hand.
3. For some abstract nouns such as strength and age, it can one be used with the numeral 一.
4. For some figurative nouns and used only with the numeral 一.
5. For indicating the level of ability or performance in a persons work, especially those with special skills.
6. For actions done with the hand. It is used only with the numeral 一.

Here are the example uses:

For article of everyday use or instruments with a handle.

一把 - yība3
一把叉子 - chāzi - a fork
一把茶壶 - cháhú - a teapot
一把铲子 - chan3zi - a shovel
一把尺子 - chi3zi - a ruler
一把锤子 - chuízi - a hammer
一把大提琴 - dàtíqín - a cello
一把掸子 - dan3zi - a duster
一把刀 - dāo - a knife
一把二胡 - èrhú - a two stringed Chinese bowed instrument
一把斧子 - fu3zi - an axe
一把剪子 - jian3zi - a pair of scissors
一把剑 - jiàn - a sword
一把扫帚 - sàozhou - a broom
一把扇子 - shànzi - a fan
一把勺儿 - sháor - a spoon; ladle
一把手枪 - shou3qiāng - a pistol
一把梳子 - shūzi - a comb
一把刷子 - shuāzi - a brush
一把算盘 - suànpán - an abacus
一把锁 - suo3 - a lock
一把钥匙 - yàoshi - a key
一把椅子 - yi3zi - a chair
一把雨伞 - yu3san3 - an umbrella

For a quantity of things that can be held in one hand.

一把钞票 - chāopiào - a handful of bank notes
一把稻草 - dàocao3 - a bundle of rice straw
一把瓜子 - guāzi - a handful of melon seeds
一把胡子 - húzi - a full beard
一把花生 - huāshēng - a handful of peanuts
一把韭菜 - jiu3cài - a handful of leeks
一把筷子 - kuàizi - a handful of chopsticks
一把米 - mi3 - a handful of rice
一把糖 - táng - a handful of sweets
一把头发 - tóufa - a handful of hair
一把土 - tu3 - a handful of dirt
一把雪 - xuě - a handful of snow

For Some abstract nouns such as strength, age, etc. It is used with the numeral 一 only。

一把劲儿 - jìnr - great strength
一把力气 - lìqi - great strength
一把年纪 - niánjì - advanced age

For some figurative nouns and used only with the numeral 一。

kū de yì ba3 bíti yì ba3 yan3lèi de
to cry tearfully

shòu chéng yì ba3 gu3tou le
to become a person of skin and bone

fàngle yì ba3 huo3
to set (a house) on fire

guò yì ba3 yi3n
to one's heart's content

For indicating the level of ability or performance in a person's work, especially those with special skills。

tā zhēnshì yì ba3 hao3shou3。
He is really a skillful man。

tā shì yì ba3 néngshou3。
She is a capable woman。

For actions done with the hand. It is used only with the numeral 一。

xi3 yì ba3 lian3
to wash ones face

动量词- verb form

帮他一把 - bāng tā yì ba3 - lend a helping hand to him
拉他一把 - lā tā yì ba3 - pull him with a jerk


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